Monday, 16 May 2011

Final Images = 5 Basic Women Needs

The first basic need of women is Affection. This involves a variety of factors that changes over time. It changes through the seasons of a woman’s life. Security, comfort and approval. The second is Environment.  Studies show that women loved live with clean, quite and lovely environment.. The husband should take note that it is his responsibility to create the proper environment for better living.

Women’s third basic need is Healthy body. Women dislike being sick all times. Study shows that women spend most of their money be the health care center's after beauty centers.  The fourth is Financial Support. For obvious reasons, families grow and needs arise. Women’s fifth basic need is Family Commitment. A lot of women are often frustrated with the lack of commitment their husbands seem to have for the family. The problem with the silence of men began with Adam.

So as a conclusion I will illustrate the Five Basic needs of Women in 5 different Pictures.
  1. Affection
The meaning f Affection Cited in Wikipedia is "Affection is a "disposition or rare state of mind or body" that is often associated with a feeling or type of love. It has given rise to a number of branches of philosophy and psychology concerning: emotion (popularly: love, devotion etc.); disease; influence; state of being (philosophy); and state of mind (psychology). "Affection" is popularly used to denote a feeling or type of love, amounting to more than goodwill or friendship".
  1. Environment – Nature
The clean environment, clean water, green surroundings, enough air in preferred by a women as her second most needed things.
  1. Health
The third basic need of a lady is health. An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is a popular saying, the apple obviously symbolizing health, but also the advantages of eating fresh fruit. That why I have choose this theme.
  1. Financial Support – Wealthy
The basic needs of Women in this world will be a house where she can stay, a car for her transportation, security or protection from her husband. This below image tries to illustrate these basic needs. The hand represents husband's hand. The needs of Women in this world, that why there is a globe there. The Women needs car, house and also security.
  1. Family Commitment - Children
The fifth basic need of women is commitment. Naturally women are committed in to whatever they do in their life. So they aspect the same things from others especially from their husband. The articles I have read few day ago talks about Family commitment." Another important aspect of commitment is that it must be made, or re-made, on an ongoing basis. There's more to it than just saying you're committed to your marriage or simply "feeling good" about your relationship. Commitment must be played out in your actions". The illustration tells us even the whole world going to destroy, the family must hold on their commitment. The husband must be there for their family, protect, and give motivation to their family members. 

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